Helpful links

Organisations with whom we have strong links

Roger Rowett – Taith shares our vision of support and development based on shared action plans and involvement from the whole organisation. Welsh for ‘journey’, Taith helps both individuals and organisations develop their capacity for continuous improvement.

Mette Jacobsgaard delivers AI foundation training in the UK called The Lincoln Series. Her website is also a resource page for the advancement of Appreciative Inquiry, containing information about Appreciative Inquiry in general, where to find training opportunities, communities of practice, find qualified AI practitioners and links to other web sites. Tim Slack and Suzanne Quinney are part of her selected list of UK practitioners.

Sarah Lewis at Appreciating Change is the author of recent book Positive Psychology at Work: How positive leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organisations, which includes a case study by Appreciating People.

Lesley and Nick Moore at Moore Insight:

Visual minuter Claire Stringer, which whom we work on many of our community development and corporate planning sessions:

Liverpool PCT (Primary Care Trust): Sponsors of our appreciative journal Food for Thought, Liverpool’s 2020 Decade of Health and Wellbeing is a ten year initiative to improve the lives of the city’s residents. You can have a look at their Facebook page here, or follow their Five Ways to Wellbeing on their website:

AP delivered work for CDF in the North West last year on two Connecting Communities programmes. This year they will be working for them facilitating the Big Local in selected neighbourhoods in the North West:

Friend and colleague Joan Shafer is the co-founder of of Whole in One, a sports-based consultancy concentrating on improving mental strength, teamwork and maximising skills amongst sports players. You can see more of their work at: Joan is also the founder of Fairway to Heaven, a golf-based training retreat. She says ‘Ultimately, the way we play golf, like any other sport, is about our relationship to ourselves – seeking to enhance our understanding of life and reaching our potential.’ – see more at

Resources and relevant networks

Site for information about AI networks and events in Europe and the UK: – an excellent quarterly journal containing many excellent and inspirational case studies. It offers a range of subscription rates depending on your status.

The AI Commons is a worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry and the rapidly growing discipline of positive change. This site is an excellent international resource:

Appreciative Living is an easy to understand, practical approach to help you focus on what’s good and get clear about what you want. And best of all, it takes just a few minutes a day. Jackie Kelm is the author of Appreciative Living and you can register on her site to receive a free monthly ezine

Working relationships with international practitioners

Jane Magruder Watkins and Ralph Kelly – one of the founders of appreciative inquiry and a mentor for Appreciating People Her book Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination by Jane Magruder Watkins, Bernard Mohr & Ralph Kelly (2nd edition, 2011) has become a standard textbook/reference book, and includes a case study by Appreciating People.

Bernard Tollec, Managing Director Involve Consulting: and

Fritz Walter

Organisationsberatung, Appreciative Inquiry and Change Management in Berlin, Germany:
Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN) This is the website of the Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN), dedicated to promoting Local Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Campaign in Nepal.

Parashu Ram Timalsina, Laliputer (Kathmandu)

Other relevant links

The Work of Byron Katie is a way of identifying and questioning the thoughts that cause fear, violence, depression, frustration, and suffering. Experience the happiness of undoing those thoughts through The Work, and allow your mind to return to its true, awakened, peaceful, creative nature. For more information about The Work of Byron Katie see is a service for parents looking for a different way to communicate with their children, using The Work of Byron Katie.

Inexcess TV uses the power of personal experience, television and the internet to help people when drink, drugs or other excessive behaviours have become a problem in their life, or the lives of others. They produced the video of APs work with King George’s hostel and their website offers a wealth of material: takes you to Inexcess’ magazine for Community of Carers. Issue two has an article on Back on your feet. – The Gallup Strengths Finder. Find out what you’re best at, and make sure you have the opportunity to do it every day…

Positive Psychology Centre: positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The Positive Psychology Center – part of the University of Pennsylvania – promotes research, training, education, and the dissemination of Positive Psychology.

Self Factor Coaching and Coach Training

All our staff are trained in Self Factor coaching The Findhorn Foundation is a spiritual community, an ecovillage pioneering many aspects of building and living sustainably, and an international centre for holistic education. It includes a UN affiliated training centre based at the Findhorn Ecovillage.

Appreciating People supports Practical Action – it uses small and sustainable technology to challenge poverty, working with poor women and men around the world.


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