Appreciative Inquiry training

Appreciating People is recognised as the UK leader in Appreciative Inquiry, especially in the public and voluntary sectors. We have delivered training both across the UK and further afield, and have developed a range of materials to support and reinforce our sessions.


Our approach

This new approach builds on over 10 years experience of delivering AI training face-to-face – and more recently online – integrating the learning that has emerged. The central focus  is on individual experiential learning and the creation and support of self-sustaining communities or practice, within both organisations and local communities.

“It’s really made me go into a different mindset.  It has made me think about the way I approach conversations and is something i want to develop further have really enjoyed it. Thank you. I look forward to taking forward the principles.” – Leeds Children’s Hospital

Courses available

Appreciative Inquiry – the basics

A one-day introduction to the basics of Appreciative Inquiry, providing a brief overview of AI and positive psychology, and the creation of generative conversations and questions.

For up to 16 people – face-to-face or online.

£1,800 face-to-face course, plus travel and accommodation costs. Plus £10-14pp for resources

If an online course is preferred, then we use a Zoom co-pilot assistant facilitator.

Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry IAAI (Module one IAAI)

A two-day, practical and interactive course covering the principles and tools of AI. This is our most popular programme and provides a practical understanding of AI. This course can be delivered face-to-face or online.

For up to 16 people, face-to-face or online.

£3,600 face-to-face course, plus travel and accommodation costs. Plus £27pp for resources.

If an online course is preferred then we use a zoom co-pilot assistant facilitator.

Deepening Your AI Practice Module two IAAI Programme

An online programme based on a combination of one-to-one work, small group work, and individual work. Completion of both modules leads to the IAAI Appreciative Inquiry practitioner certification.


All participants in the courses listed above receive the corresponding resources from our AI essentials products range. You can see them here.

Team Away Days

We also facilitate bespoke team away days. This includes pre work with the client to design the session and tailor it to your requirements.

£1,950, plus travel and accommodation costs.

Thinking partner support

Individual advice and coaching for AI practitioners at all levels. Often requested by participants of Taste of AI and advanced programmes as they plan appreciative activities or projects.

Can be conducted online or by phone.


“Over the years there have been a number of occasions when Tim and I have had conversations where he’s listened and asked just the right question. I found myself taking the lead in embedding appreciative inquiry within the organisation for which I worked, and this benefited from being able to stand back and gain perspective. Tim’s extensive knowledge of the thinking of a variety of experienced appreciative inquiry practitioners from around the world means that there is always a reference he can suggest to help matters progress when a crossroads is reached. He encouraged me to attend the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference in 2019 in Nice, which was a major step forward in my self-identification as an appreciative inquiry practitioner, and an opportunity for Appreciating Church to raise its organisational profile.”

Fiona Thomas – co-founder, Appreciating Church

Appreciative Supervision

We offer Appreciative Supervision to individuals in a range of professions. If you’d like to know more, contact or for details.


Usually conducted online or by phone, but can be conducted face-to-face if geographically viable.

“I enjoy my supervision sessions with Suzanne immensely. The space she holds is safe and allowing, in judgemental and supportive, affirming and reflective. I always leave feeling uplifted and unburdened – a very satisfied customer!”

Lori Forsyth, Chair of Titleholders Association


“Thank you both so much for all the trouble you must have taken to prepare all this. Thank you very much for the engaging workshop!”
Speciality Doctors Community Paediatrics


Partnerships and Certification

We provide in-house standard courses or tailored Appreciative Inquiry training programmes to suit your requirements. 

These courses have been delivered to a range of public and voluntary organisations, in the UK and internationally, including NWAS (North West Ambulance Service), AQuA, MerseyCare NHS Trust, the Methodist and United Reformed Churches, a number of regional Academic Health Science Networks (AHSN), Bernardos, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Blackpool Council, Northumberland County Council, Essex County Council, and Strathclyde University.

International Academy for Appreciative Inquiry (IAAI) provides certification for the two-day Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry Module one and Deepening your AI Practice Module two. On completion of both Modules, participants will receive the full AI practitioner certification from the IAAI.

How do I find out more?

We can take our AI training courses anywhere in the world, and provide follow-on action learning and thinking sessions to support practical applications of AI. Our courses include the AI essentials publications, which you can also purchase via the link on the right of the page.

All of our courses can be adapted/made bespoke to client needs, so contact or for a conversation.

NOTE: Previous participants on Appreciating People two-day and three-day programmes can upgrade to IAAI Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner. Contact for details.


“Enjoyed the break out rooms with those from other teams/ areas. And the opportunity to meet as a team in a breakout room for last exercise. Enjoyed the positive and inspiring nature of the training.  Learnt lots and particularly liked reframing and SOAR, now looking to apply with the SAB and the case review group.” 
– Northumberland LA staff working in safeguarding



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