The Work is an internationally-recognised technique for identifying and questioning stressful thoughts, which result in fear, depression, frustration or suffering. It prompts participants to ask themselves four questions about their stressful thought, exploring the problem and their perception of it, and creating a context which allows them to move on.
The Work’s insight is consistent with leading-edge research in cognitive psychology, and has been compared to the Socratic dialogue, Buddhist teachings, and 12-step programmes. It is astonishingly simple, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and requires nothing more than a pen and paper and an open mind. It’s a process that can give people their own insights and answers.
The Work is simply four questions and a turnaround, which is a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe. The process is simple, radical, and can be life-changing. It is not about challenging people’s philosophies or religions, nor is it intended to replace any form of therapy – it simply involves identifying and questioning the stressful thoughts that you are thinking.
Often used successfully with long-term problems – it has proved effective at dealing with problems which stem from our past, deeply influencing our perception of our present. The Work reinvigorates the old adage that there’s no point in worrying about something that might never happen.
You can find more information about The Work at All the material you need is freely downloadable and there is also a free helpline which people can call to try out the process with a trained facilitator.

Suzanne Quinney trained to facilitate The Work with Byron Katie in Los Angeles in 2000. Since then she has delivered a number of week-long, weekend and day workshops, and individual sessions on the phone or in person. She is well-connected within The Work teaching and learning community and keeps up to date with regular in-service training.
The Work can be used in a range of settings, with both groups and individuals. It supports anyone who wants to free up their thinking and learn a simple tool that they can use in daily life to question their limiting beliefs. We provide The Work in a number of different formats:
- one to one sessions on request – face to face or by phone/Skype/email
- half day, one or two day workshops on The Work and how to apply it either personally or professionally can be provided for groups of up to 20
- evening sessions for more informal groups
- The Work can also be included as an integral part of our wider training services, for groups like hostel residents and in the training offered to Action on Addiction
Download issue 1 of the Carers Magazine article about the application of The Work in the world of addiction and recovery.
Get in touch today to find out how we can apply The Work to your organisation.