Join AP and colleagues for this annual AI retreat and pose the question ‘how do we flourish personally and as business people?‘ in the company of other experienced AI practitioners. The retreat takes place over three days at Bore Place in Kent (10.30am on Tuesday 21st August to 4.30pm Thursday 23rd), although it’s possible to arrive on the Monday if it helps your travel plans.
The workshop costs an early bird rate of £180 (plus accommodation at Bore Place House or the Old Stable) until 1st June.
AP is organising the event alongside AI Practitioner editor Anne Radford. Anne will be the workshop convenor, focusing on questions like:
»How do we flourish as AI practitioners? At an individual level? As business people?
»What are the ‘strands’ of flourishing, and how do we keep them all plaited together equally?
»What does it look like to flourish financially? What does financial generativeness look like?
»How do we grow our market place? How do we become more sustainable?
Pre-planned sessions include:
• Flourishing by Focusing: The Hedgehog Concept with Bernard Tollec
Jim Collins, author of ‘From good to great‘ gives us this valuable concept on finding our best place to flourish. This is where three areas come together in sharp focus: our passion (what we appreciate the most), our competencies (what we are the best at) and what we can bring specifically to our customers. This sustainable flourishing road. Sharing it can build bridges of cooperation between us.
• ‘Fighting for our Place’ with Lesley Moore
This relates to work Lesley has been exploring on the concept of fighting: for our own rights, and for other people’s. It may be pertinent to those who wrestle with the compatibilities between growing our appreciative selves and notions of being and behaving ‘feisty’. It’s about the personal ‘what?’ and how we each might seek and fight for our place and space in the marketplace.
The residential style is relaxed and informal – everyone helps set up lunch and dinner and clearing away. It’s become a favourite time for unexpected connections and conversations. All food is prepared by the Bore Place team, who use ingredients from the organic farm where possible.
For more information about the programme and to book, click here, or to download the Bore Place AI workshop and booking form, click here.
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