Appreciating People’s Learning from Excellence work with the Patient Safety Collaborative of the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network has been shortlisted for a prestigious HSJ Patient Safety Award. We’re in London on May 9 with the team, where we’ll appear in front of a panel, telling them about the AI training programme that we have delivered to over 75 people, and answering their questions.
We’ll be talking about why our joint project with Drs Adrian and Emma Plunkett (from Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Women’s Hospital) and the Patient Safety Collaborative should win our category – education and training. We’re there to outline the project for them, highlight and demonstrate its results, positive outcomes and long-term impact.
AP co-director Suzanne Quinney says: ‘I’ve enjoyed every minute of this collaboration, the core idea of #LfEQI is brilliant. Everyone that has been on our AI training has been fully engaged and keen to apply AI and the Learning from Excellence programme in their work, and already some really exciting initiatives have been progressed. Recently, six more hospitals have asked to bring the AI training in house so that they can develop their own application. I love the opportunity to meet so many dedicated NHS staff. And now the initiative has been picked up by Care Homes in Wolverhampton so I am looking forward to see how they want to apply it…’
We’ve been working together since August 2016, and have provided five two-day AI courses, which have all been fully booked and well received. At the time, one of the participants said to us: ‘The Appreciative Inquiry training will help me to run round table meetings exploring episodes of excellence better. But it will also be useful for my everyday practice, where I will use its strength-based methodology to help me get the best out of the theatre teams I work in.’
The judging panel includes senior medical professionals: NHS Improvement’s National Director of Patient Safety, Mike Durkin; Sue Smith, the Chief Nurse at Morecambe Bay; Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh’s Chief Executive Andrew Foster, John Brouder, who’s Chief Exec of the North East London NHS Foundation Trust and Helen Vernon, Chief Exec at NHSLA. We won’t find out about the winners until the Patient Safety Congress on Tuesday 4 July in Manchester, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed!
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