We are really excited to announce that Taste of AI – our most popular resource – has been translated into Spanish.
The translation has been done by our partners in Barcelona, Inspiring Partners, who are experts in organisational development. They encourage the talent within an organisation to innovate and act successfully, creating new opportunities for the organisation – focusing on people, a purpose and a plan. Inspiring Partners helps organisations develop a collective vision and a successful action plan, within which challenges are seen as inspirational and achievable. They foster skills and attitudes that enable continuous learning, innovation and successful action.
Inspiring Partners works with a wide range of national and international clients, including Lactalis (a dairy product multinational) and Aspapel, the Association of Paper Industries. Inspiring Partners‘ senior advisor Ceferi Soler Vicente is on the faculty of ESADE Business School in Barcelona.
Inspiring Partners say: ‘The best moments of inspiration are those in which we flow with others’. You can find out more about them in our ‘partners‘ section.
Appreciating People are very pleased to be able to do joint work with Inspiring Partners. Co-director Tim Slack says: ‘Appreciating People is delighted to be in this partnership with our Spanish AI partners. We are confident that they bring the same dedication to this work, and are impressed with the high quality of the product they have produced in cooperation with our Liverpool-based publisher Wordscapes.’
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