AP awarded Workplace Wellbeing Charter

Workplace wellbeing Charter Logo 24-04-2012Appreciating People has been awarded Health @ Work’s Workplace Wellbeing Charter, a key indicator of our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our staff and the people we work with.

The positive impact that employment can have on health and wellbeing is now well documented, and there’s also strong evidence to show how having a healthy workforce can reduce sickness absence, lower staff turnover and boost productivity. While we do a lot of work with other organisations to help improve their staff’s wellbeing and resilience, it’s also something we take seriously with AP, too.

The Workplace Wellbeing Charter provides employers with a clear and easy guide to making workplaces a supportive and productive environment in which employees can flourish. The wellbeing standards it sets include physical and mental health, health promotion and ways to evaluate the services and information we offer. It also aims to share best practice about health and wellbeing within the workplace.

Suzanne Quinney, Appreciating People‘s co-director, said: ‘We’re very pleased to have received our certificate for the Workplace Wellbeing Charter, and as a company appreciate being an active part of Liverpool’s Decade of Wellbeing. It’s been great to have the support of Health at Work to achieve this.’

The Charter focuses on three key areas – leadership, culture and communication, and its benefits include:

  • • Reputation – demonstration our commitment to best practice in health, safety and wellbeing, improving our reputation and helping with business development and tendering activity
  • • Commitment – demonstrating our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our staff
  • • Compliance – developing policies and procedures and demonstrating our compliance with current laws and regulations
  • • A Healthy Workforce – increasing levels of awareness and activity around health and wellbeing, improving staff morale and increasing productivity

The Workplace Wellbeing Charter is open to anyone who wants to get involved, and comes in three levels, each with different standards to achieve. Some, or all, will be relevant to your business, depending on its size and direction.