We’re delighted to announce that Claire Stringer, who works with us on our visual minuting, has won more work on the back of her AP contract. After working with us on some Big Local projects, Claire’s now been brought in to train some Big Local community members in Oldham, which she’ll be doing at the beginning of March.
Claire also featured in this article in the Guardian, talking about how recording information creatively through graphics and words can help bring meetings to life – especially meetings that might otherwise de quite dry. ‘It’s being drawn live in front of them, so it emphasises what’s just been said,’ Claire says. ‘I think it helps the people in the meeting to concentrate and stay focused. We did a three-day conference at the Eden project, and covered 30m of wall with visual minutes – it was epic and surrounded the conference hall – it really showed how much they had got done.’ It also has the advantage, she says, of making employees who are known to talk at length a bit more concise – ‘because people can see that their ideas have gone up.’
Visual minuting has a number of benefits for your meeting or event, including:
- seeing the whole picture at a glance
- identifying and drawing out further links
- drawing in and involving participants
- creating a visual dialogue during which people construct new meaning and gain new insights
- creating a group memory from the visual image
- making sure participants see what they say being recorded, therefore feeling acknowledged, with a way of checking its accuracy
- the working group experience empowerment
- encouraging creative interaction through large displays
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