AP’s recent development and work

Alongside our move to a new home in Scotland, 2019 has proved to be a busy year. Here’s what we’ve been up to…

Learning from Excellence

We completed a series of courses that we’ve run over the previous 12 months in Nottingham for NUH and for EMAHSN. We were also invited to run short AI sessions for the Association of Anaesthetists and for UCL.

In this last year we’ve completed AI learning programmes for Walsall and for Southampton hospitals – click on the image to download a poster summarises their work, which was presented at a PIER  regional conference.

AQuA staff have continued to provide AI training in the North West, using Taste and Reflections as their resource.

And we’re currently providing a series of AI courses for Health Education England, working across Wessex. We’ve loved working with inspired groups of NHS staff from the region, who are all looking to use AI for LfE – and many areas of their work.  This blog summarises our understanding of SafetyII and includes a short film about LfE…


HMP Hindley prison AI project

In October 2019, our HMP Hindley AI project finished. This ten-month project has provided us with a powerful insight into working in a prison with committed staff and quality leadership. The work included AI training for over 50 staff, building AI practices into the prison operating systems, working on the decency agenda and facilitating a senior management away day.


Local authorities

We’ve continued to work with a number of local authorities mainly in the adult social care, children’s services and special education needs. The work has been a combination of providing AI training; team building, facilitating groups and advising on AI-based projects.


Working with NHS GP practices

2019 has provided the opportunity to work with GP practices in Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire. One project was a facilitated process for a number of GP practices to identify and build on their strengths and good practice, the other was to look at GP retention for Lincolnshire CCG. Using an Appreciative Inquiry lens we identified existing good and innovative practice and actions that support staff retention – you can read more in this blog…


Lancashire Women’s Centre 

Lancashire Women and Appreciating People have agreed to work in partnership to undertake activities to support co-design work with women who use their services, of a wellbeing outcomes tool. This will be developed using an Appreciative Inquiry approach.


International Academy of Appreciative Inquiry

The academy is an exciting new venture between Appreciating People and Alder Advice. It is a partnership to develop and expand the use of Appreciative Inquiry to improve public and third sector services – both in UK and further afield. It will also improve AI training and development opportunities and provide peer support opportunities for individuals and organisations that see the potential to use AI-based approaches to improve their effectiveness. 

The academy is a natural development which reflects a long-standing association and a commitment from the directors of the two organisations to work together, and support each other, whilst retaining their separate brand identities. Appreciating People has contributed to projects led by Alder Advice and vice versa and we both believe there are strong synergies between us and Alder Advice, in relation to asset-based approaches and Appreciative Inquiry. For example, we both have:

  • a strong belief in the value of these methods;
  • staff who trained with the leading European development organisation for Appreciative Inquiry (Lincoln Workshop Series);
  • deep and broad experience in using Appreciative Inquiry principles and techniques.

You can find out more about Alder Advice here…