Happy new year – here’s to 2012!
We hope you all had a very happy Christmas – the end of the year has led us to reflect on 2011’s events, and look forward to the new challenges of 2012. We’ve looked back at events at AP over the past year, and some of the things we’ve achieved. In November over 80 people attended our Enterprise Week lecture on Positive Psychology at Work from psychologist Sarah Lewis; we’ve also worked with a range of clients, from NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale, Westminster’s Council’s hostels and rough sleeping teams to our community work with the Big Local this year, and we joined our partners Taith on their stand at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual conference and exhibition in Manchester. Appreciating People co-director Tim Slack completed his AI apprenticeship; we celebrated both our fifth birthday, and the launch of our new social enterprise, Appreciation Works.
2012 is shaping up to be just as busy, and brings the exciting prospect of some interesting new work for us. We’ll be partnering Liverpool Hope University and Liverpool Citizens to establish a range of Appreciative Inquiry and strength-based training for students at Hope next year. Courses will include an introduction to Appreciative Inquiry, strategic planning with a difference, engagement and large group facilitation, all of which will receive CPD (Certificates in Professional Development) creditation, and an accredited AI Core Programme.
We’ll also be working with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, developing advice and training services as it moves into a new building over the next three years, and a series of facilitating and support service projects for Kingston on Hull, including the facilitation of the private/public sector Green City Group, designing and delivering a number of World Cafe events across the city and delivery of the Hull Green City Summit, to set out Hull’s vision for achieving Green City status. We’ll also be running our very popular Reflect and Renew courses throughout the year.
Don’t forget, if you’ve got a project you’d like to talk to Appreciating People about, then get in touch and we’ll see how we can work together. Happy new year, from all of us at AP!
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