We’re looking forward to a busy summer, as our work on Learning From Excellence gathers pace, and we get into the production of three new training resources and journals.
Building on the Learning from Excellence work we’ve already done, six organisations in the West Midlands have asked us to do a two-day in-house training session, so that they can develop their own LfE programme; we’ll also be back in Birmingham in September for a three-day advanced AI practitioner course for LfE staff. And Suzanne will also be supporting the AQuA team as it develops its AI skills and moves towards being a regional Centre of Excellence.
Now that he’s back from Rathlin Island, Tim will be spending some time in Wales this summer, working with Theatre Clwyd on an away day.
He’s also busy working on our training products, including an update of our Taste of AI pack, which has already been reprinted twice. Taste 2.0 will be available this August, and adds another three cards, taking the pack up to 15. We’re also working on two new journals – Number One is a project with the Canal and River Trust, aimed at their school groups and young people. We’re also developing a new journal for AI practitioners, called Reflections, which will be available in September.
Suzanne’s spending a lot of time in the Midlands, with a two-day AI training programme for Care Home staff in Wolverhampton, who’re interested in developing a version of LfE. She’ll join the AP team in Cambridge, for a summer conference for the United Reform Church we’re facilitating, called Issues and Excitements.
If you’d like more information about any of our work, click here to drop us a line, or call us on 0151 427 1146.
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