As we increase the numbers of followers we have on Twitter and Facebook, we’re coming across all sorts of fascinating research, insights and news that we like to share across our accounts. So we’ve decided to round them up each month, looking to see what proved popular, and what people enjoyed reading and sharing. Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter at @AppreciatingP, or find us on Facebook at @AppreciatingPeople.
1. ‘Teaching is a creative profession, not a delivery system. great teachers mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage.’ Sir Ken Robinson talks about education and teachers’ role in inspiring, supporting and encouraging. There are three principles crucial to the mind’s ability to flourish, he says in this TED talk… but the education system works against them.
#education #workinschools #resilience
2. This Radio 4 programme explores our quest to improve ourselves, and asks if we’ve gone too far. Danish philosopher and psychologist Sven Brinkmann says we need to come to terms with ourselves as we are, in his new book ‘Stand Firm: resisting the self-improvement craze. But – with a wealth of information out there about happiness – isn’t it worth a try?!
#happinessadvantage #journaling #resilience
3. Twitter loved this series from Joep de Jong’s ‘On Appreciative Inquiry’, which AI World Inquiry has been championing. Here’s a chance to watch for yourself…
#ai #aiinaction
4. Women’s website The Pool also looked into the benefits of journaling on mental health. Don’t forget to have a look through our journal range in our AI essentials store, and read what journalist Zoe Beaty had to say, here…
#journaling #mentalhealth #wellbeing #resilience
5. And, of course, we were thrilled last week to hear that Suzanne , Emma and Adrian Plunkett (#LfE founders) and the team at the Patient Safety Collaborative of the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network have won a prestigious HSJ Patient Safety Award for their Learning from Excellence work. A full blog is coming soon, but here’s what Suzanne said as she headed off to London to meet the judging panel…
#learningfromexcellence #hsjpatientsafety
And our quote of the month came from Shawn Achor, talking about the Happiness Advantage.
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