News and stories

An update on progress within Appreciating Church: an engaging, generative partnership

The relationship between Appreciating Church and Appreciating People, which started over seven years ago is strengthening, deepening and broadening through the International Academy for Appreciative Inquiry (IAAI) writes Fiona Thomas, co-founder of Appreciating Church. An emphasis on collaboration and co-creation has characterised our relationship since its early days. Without Appreciating People, it is unlikely that

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AI training opportunities and developments

STOP PRESS   Our Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry IAAI – module one is a practical two-day AI course covering the principles and AI tools. Open to individuals, it will run across two days – Sept 9 & 10 – in central London   Cost: £360pp (early bird (£330) – 6 places remaining (max. group size is 16 people) Are

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Appreciative Inquiry as an approach to the challenges of Covid-19 in health and social care

The wonderful Learning from Excellence team has come together under the auspices of Helen Hunt and Dan Hodgkiss from WMAHSN. Read more about Appreciating People’s work with AHSNs across the UK here, and a summary of Learning from Excellence and Safety II. These past few months have seen unprecedented challenges, with people asked to physically

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AP’s recent development and work

Alongside our move to a new home in Scotland, 2019 has proved to be a busy year. Here’s what we’ve been up to… Learning from Excellence We completed a series of courses that we’ve run over the previous 12 months in Nottingham for NUH and for EMAHSN. We were also invited to run short AI

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